Let's Talk About Mental Health
Make a difference in a student's life today!
$36,745 raised
$40,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
The global pandemic has upended our lives and impacted our mental health and well-being. Children and adolescents are experiencing increased mental distress due to the disruptions of schools, activities and maintaining social and physical distancing.
The Let's Talk About Mental Health program is a free story-based, peer-to-peer mental health education program to engage students in middle and high schools in conversations about mental health and well-being. Together, we can promote mental health and prevent suicides.
Growing evidence shows that when schools address mental health and wellness, they can boost academic achievement, reduce absenteeism, increase graduation rates and overall student well-being.
During the 2021-2022 school year, we are offering our Let's Talk About Mental Health program virtually and in-person following all necessary COVID protocals. After the last 18 months, it's clear that our message is more important than ever. Help us reach our goal to bring this program to as many classes as possible during the school year.
Together, we can create communities of hope, empathy and inclusion where all students can learn and thrive. Make a gift today to support the Let's Talk About Mental Health program in schools.